CESA team jumping in front of the Jordan Student Success buildingThe Center for Equity & 学生成就(CESA)是密歇根州立大学丹佛分校皇冠体育官网区域,明确关注学生的归属感和参与感,并以公平的视角了解他们的社会身份如何有助于他们的大学经历和职业道路. CESA为学生提供支持,重点是解决学生所经历的不平等现象,并设有几个中心和项目,旨在提高大学留校率, persistence, and graduation rates of historically underrepresented student populations.


Departments within CESA include: Center for Multicultural Engagement & Inclusion (CMEI) and related programs, LGBTQ Student Resource Center, Veteran & Military Student Services, TRIO Student Support Services, College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), Immigrant Services Program, Met Media, and First-Generation Initiatives.

Inclusive Spaces

Reflection Room Map

Gender Inclusive Restrooms

Gender-inclusive restrooms provide a safe, private facility for transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people, families with children, and people with disabilities who may need assistance.

Lactation Spaces

Lactation Spaces

Lactating and/or chestfeeding/bodyfeeding students, employees, 来访者可能需要一个私人空间来从他们的身体里挤出奶来(当婴儿不直接从父母的身体里喂奶时,通常使用手动或电动泵)。. 虽然需要这样做的频率各不相同,但有些人可能需要每2-3小时泌乳一次. As such, 在校园里有一个合适的空间来做这件事是很重要的,这样这些学生, employees, 当游客需要在校园里待更长的时间时,他们可以充分参与学术和课外体验. Without adequate space to express milk, both lactating people and babies can suffer health-related consequences. Likewise, some parents may prefer a private space to feed their baby while on campus and so lactation spaces can serve this purpose too; however, 值得注意的是,父母有权利在自己占据的任何空间给孩子喂奶(而不是要求在指定的哺乳空间喂奶)。.

Reflection Room Map

Reflection Spaces

Reflection spaces are designated for prayer, reflection, and meditation for all members of the MSU Denver community.  Without advocating or endorsing any particular religion or belief system, a reflection space provides a dedicated, comfortable space for individual or communal worship, or simple reflection during the day.

Our Departments


Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion (CMEI)

The Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion (CMEI) 支持学生在大学的归属感,并通过参与学生组织建立社区来肯定他们的身份(目前超过120个选项), First Generation Initiatives, Met Media, fraternities and sororities (currently eight), racial equity and leadership programs, student gathering spaces, and campus events.


College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

CAMP, a U.S. Department of Education grant-funded scholarship program, is designed to meet the academic, 移民/季节性农场工人及其子女在接受高等教育方面的经济和社会需求. 而该计划在大学第一年提供最密集的援助, the CAMP team is available to assist students throughout their college experience.

Epic Scholars Logo

EPIC Scholars Program

Epic Scholars is a Metropolitan State University of Denver program aimed at connecting, 支持和授权那些从寄养系统和其他困难背景中脱颖而出的学生——他们都渴望通过高等教育取得成就. The Epic Scholars mission is built on championing the desire to overcome, unlocking the potential within, 并提供培养校友和其他独立学生成功所需的机会. And at its core, the program aims to be the bridge between inner belief and outward ambition, 为这些学生和他们所代表的社区照亮通往更美好未来的道路. 

Three females holding or wearing shirts that say

Immigrant Services

移民服务项目为非美国出生的学生提供支持和建立社区.S. or come from families with immigrant backgrounds. We help our DACA, undocumented, 难民和移民学生通过写作和语言发展支持在大学取得成功, assistance with financial aid options and scholarship essays, social events and resources around legal assistance or healthcare options.


LGBTQ Student Resource Center

这个三机构的学生服务支持所有性别和性取向的校园社区使用关怀模式:社区建设, Advocacy & Support, Resources and Education. LGBTQ学生资源中心旨在消除LGBTQ学生在公平基础上接受教育的障碍.

A traditional dancer at the first annual Auraria Powwow.

Native & Indigenous Student Support

美国原住民学生支持计划的存在是为了服务和支持原住民学生在丹佛大都会州立大学学习期间多样化和不断变化的需求. We strive to provide relevant, accessible, and engaging programs and resources, 从社会公正的角度促进跨部落和跨文化的社区建设方法. 皇冠官网网站努力与校外和校内社区合作,为学生在这里提供最好的体验, 同时也支持他们作为土著人的个人身份的持续发展和理解. We also work to bring the histories, experiences, and worldviews into a valued realm within the university.

TRIO Student Support Services

TRIO Student Support Services

TRIO学生支持服务(TRIO SSS)是一项联邦资助的资助计划,为第一代学生提供服务, differently-abled (disabled) and low-income. Our services include advising, college and life-skills workshops, graduate school visits, access to a computer lab and much more!

Military Veteran at Graduation

Veteran and Military Student Services

The Veteran & Military Student Services program is dedicated to supporting the more than 1,000 military service members, 退伍军人和他们的家庭成员每年选择密歇根州立大学丹佛分校,通过VA教育福利认证的援助, tuition assistance programs, an active Veteran and Military Services Center, 还有许多研讨会和项目旨在帮助军队附属的学生完成学业, career and personal goals.

Land & Labor Acknowledgement


皇冠官网网站尊重并承认,皇冠官网网站是在夏延族和阿拉帕霍族的传统领土和祖传家园上. We acknowledge the land and history of this space we are fortunate to gather in today. This area was also the site of trade, hunting, gathering, and healing for many other Native Nations: The Lakota, Ute, Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Shoshone, and others. 48 Tribes have called this land home. We recognize the Indigenous peoples as the original stewards of the land, water, plants, and animals who called this place home.

皇冠官网网站也承认种族灭绝和被迫离开这一领土的痛苦历史. We recognize that U.S. public policy has been used to displace Indigenous communities, erode Tribal Nation sovereignty, and forcibly assimilate Native individuals into U.S. society. 皇冠官网网站尊重仍然与皇冠官网网站聚集的这片土地联系在一起的许多不同的土著人民. 皇冠官网网站向他们表示敬意,并感谢所有部落民族和这个地方的祖先.

皇冠官网网站也感谢被奴役的非洲人及其后代为殖民者在这片被掠夺的土地上辛勤劳作, and who continue to disproportionately face economic oppression, racism, violence, and exploitation.

Lastly, 皇冠官网网站想要认识到Auraria的社区和家庭,因为这个校园的创建而流离失所,皇冠官网网站现在称之为家. 皇冠官网网站分享这份感谢,是为了鼓励奥瑞亚校园里的所有人思考,皇冠官网网站在这个空间和日常生活中的工作,如何能够解决这些历史上和当代对土著人民和其他边缘化社区长期存在的暴行.

Contact Us

Center for Equity & Student Achievement

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM

Meet Our Team

Phone: 303-615-0022


Email: [email protected]


Office Location:

Student Success Building

2nd Floor – #237

Auraria Campus

Mailing Address:


Metropolitan State University of Denver

Center for Equity and Student Achievement

Campus Box 62

P.O. Box 173362

Denver, CO 80217-3362

Giving to CESA