

CVA将成为一个以艺术家为主导的应对水危机的中心. 水线:创造性的交流 检查水的负荷问题和促进管理, 通过当代艺术家的作品倡导和行动主义, 和学生直接对话, 政策分析人士, 和科学家.

The exhibition will feature artists’ critical responses to institutional and individual actions that contribute to the water crisis, 以及富有想象力的解决方案, 实用与不实用, 来解决这个问题. The challenge presented to artists will be to engage audiences in multi-channel dialogue about water, with the intent to make visitors think differently about solutions to this problem that affects everyone, 需要所有人的努力.

水线:创造性的交流 is organized by Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 视觉艺术中心. 合作者包括 同一个世界同一个水中心城市水教育和管理丹佛植物园.

  • 塞西莉·卡伦,馆长







马特·詹金斯和琳娜·考切克(食物) & 水手表)

Natascha Seideneck

Vibha Galhotra

冬季计数集体(坎努帕·汉斯卡·卢格), 梅里特。约翰逊, 尼古拉斯甘丙肽, Ginger Dunnill和Dylan McLaughlin)





Artist 坎努帕·汉斯卡·卢格 was born in North Dakota on the 立岩保留区 and identifies as Manda, 希多特萨人, 阿里卡拉, Lakora, 奥地利, 和挪威. 然而,坎努帕的大部分工作都是跨学科的, 皇冠官网网站有代理 是ceramic-centric.

坎努帕在圣达菲的工作室创作的艺术品, New Mexico is used as a catalyst to create a larger dialogue that challenges expectations and misinterpretations of indigenous populations imposed by historical and contemporary colonialism. Cannupa has exhibited his work nationally as well as lectured on the topics of cultural appropriation, 环境保护论, 以及采掘业的破坏性影响.  在皇冠官网网站采访坎努帕期间,他们谈到了他们的工作 皇冠官网网站有代理 and 这不是蛇 as well as the larger installation created by members of the Winter Count Collective.

在CVA过去的一次展览中, 交叉电流Cannupa met 梅里特。约翰逊 and 尼古拉斯甘丙肽 who are artists also working to change perceptions of contemporary indigenous art.

这些艺术家, 和其他成员一起, 成立了“冬季计数”——一个培养意识的集体, 尊重, 对土地和水的荣誉和保护. This collective worked most notably to create mirrored shield that reflected the law enforcement agencies that opposed indigenous water protectors at the 立岩保留区. 为 水线, the collective presented both works of Cannupa’s alongside work of Merritt and Nicholas providing an engrossing experience that challenges the audience to rethink their impact on the environment and establish the viewer as a global citizen.

从2014年开始合作, Nicholas and Merritt have no conceptual or materialistic limitations to their collaborations and this is evident in the work exhibited in 水线.

他们作品的背景, 让一只眼睛更好地看你, is a video that features drone footage of untouched American landscapes while the table shows an unfinished carving of a drone, 祈祷面具, 不完整的珠饰, 还有各种工具. 两位艺术家都在表演他们的作品,尼古拉斯经常扮演“白卡佛还有梅里特 记录她的表演这就是为什么他们的作品都是未完成的. 当与坎努帕的作品并列时, 这个装置有助于围绕水提供一个完整的叙事, 政策, 和管理工作.


最近, 水的预告片 parked in CVA’s lot to give art walk guests fresh, clean, cold drinking water from 丹佛 Water. 客人们一起了解了丹佛的水源 水线:创造性的交流 哪个研究了水的负载问题, 促进管理工作, 宣传, 以及当代艺术家作品中的激进主义. This community resource provided by 丹佛 Water served as a catalyst for the conversation around conservation with Stacy Chesney, 丹佛水务公司Mida Communications的经理.

丹佛几乎所有的水都来自山上的融雪, 该市也是第一个使用该水源的城市. 狄龙水库占丹佛总水量的37%, 其他流域包括南普拉特河, 蓝色的河, 威廉姆斯福克河, 和弗雷泽河. In total 丹佛 Water’s collection system covers about 4,000 square miles, or 2.500万英亩,延伸到八个县. 作为一个公民和消费者, 你能做些什么来帮助保护这些流域和减少皇冠官网网站的消耗?

在丹佛,户外浇水消耗的水最多. 其次是厕所,其次是淋浴和洗衣机. 丹佛 Water offers a rebate for WaterSense-Labeled toilets and self-audit forms to evaluate how much water is being used in your Bathroom, 厨房, 和洗衣房. Also following the Summer Watering Rules can be a great way to change your habits and reduce the amount of water used on landscaping. 丹佛 Water also offers a rebate for customers who have a WaterSense-labeled smart sprinkler system controller and up to a $3 rebate per sprinkler head for rotary/high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles. Following the Summer Watering Rules and auditing your home is a great way to reduce the amount of water used in your home. Reducing your personal consumption and the consumption of your home helps protect watersheds by reducing demand for water as the city’s population continues to grow and the overall demand increases. 在他们的新网站上了解更多关于丹佛水公司的信息 利用.


壹世界壹水中心 (OWOW)是丹佛州立大学和 丹佛植物园 并努力培养一个受过良好教育的人, 授权, solution-oriented Colorado citizenry to protect and preserve our precious water resources. 位于密歇根州立大学丹佛校区, OWOW offers a Water Studies Minor and Certificate that provide students with the skills necessary to become more knowledgeable of Colorado’s limited water resources, 以及如何保护这一最宝贵的资源. These programs are available to any MSU 丹佛 student regardless of their major. 来自奥罗拉校区所有三所院校的学生都可以加入 水协会学生管理城市计划 (W.A.S.S.U.P.) which aims to discuss and address the spectrum of regional and global water issues. The mission is to show tangible results of the educational benefits of the Water Studies Minor and Certificate provided by the 同一个世界同一个水中心城市水教育和管理. Through the Minor and Certificate offered at MSU 丹佛 and the tri-institutional WASSUP club 壹世界壹水中心 and the 丹佛植物园 want to increase the number of participants in the conversations surrounding water 政策. Having multiple perspectives and backgrounds enriches the dialogue and creates unique solutions to complex problems.

CVA采访了市场总监Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd & 社会责任,在丹佛植物园关于水资源管理. The issues and policies around water can be very complex and hard to navigate. That is why CVA and the 丹佛植物园 worked together to reduce the barriers of entry into this conversation through 水线: a creative exchange. By using art as a vehicle for the message of water stewardship more people are able to start talking about how water affects their lives, 他们的社区, 这个世界. When art is used to start conversations larger groups are exposed to different perspectives on water and water 政策. 无论是通过艺术展览还是花园, it is important to highlight the important topic of water stewardship so that more people are involved in the conversations surrounding it. 了解更多关于丹佛植物园及其项目的信息 在这里.