
Please Note: We are no longer accepting work-study requests for 2023-2024.

工作研究 is an employment program that provides paid jobs for students who need to earn a portion of their educational expenses. Work-study funds come from the state and federal government depending on which award the student receives. Funding is limited and not guaranteed to all students. Students earning money through work study are subject to 金融援助 stipulations pertaining to credit hours and 令人满意的学业进展. There are three types of work-study awards:

  • 联邦工作研究
  • 科罗拉多工作研究
  • 无需工作学习


学生每小时 positions are on-campus positions funded by a university department’s budget. Work-study and/or financial aid is not required for this type of employment. All hourly students must be enrolled in some credit-earning capacity during the semester in which you are employed. For more information, visit our 学生就业网页.



  1. In order for a student to be eligible for work-study the student must have completed a FAFSA or CASFA 一学年.
  2. Student must be offered work study in their financial aid package.
  3. 学生必须 找一份工作 with an on-campus employer or a non-profit off-campus employer. Once offered the position, the student will complete the 工作研究 Request form (ex. WK23, WK24) with their supervisor (hiring manager) to confirm they have an eligible job for work study funds. Simultaneously the student will also complete all hiring documents and background check for the 人力资源厅.
  4. The student/supervisor must turn in the 工作研究 Request form to 财政援助办公室 and Scholarships to have the award added to their financial aid package and confirm their employment for the Fall/Spring. There is a 工作研究 Request form specific for summer employment. All 工作研究 Request forms must be signed by their supervisor (hiring manager).
  5. The student must submit the appropriate employment paperwork to the 人力资源厅 之前 they start working to be placed in the system as an employee. A student cannot start working until they have been approved by Student Employment to begin. Once Human Resources has received all the necessary documentation, they will add the student to a queue in Workday for 金融援助 to confirm the correct award in Workday and confirm the student has funds to begin working.
  6. Those who complete a CASFA must also be listed as 资产 by admissions and have the appropriate I-9 documents to be eligible for 科罗拉多工作研究 or No-Need 工作研究.
  7. If a student does not begin earning their award 之前 the second payroll of the semester, 他们的奖项将被取消, and the funds will be reallocated back to the work-study pool and redistributed if sufficient work-study funds remain.
  8. If a student begins to work 之前 they are awarded work study funds, that payroll will be charged to the Employer’s Departmental fund.
  9. Summer work-study employment is considered separate from the regular academic year (Fall/Spring). Due to federal work-study regulations, the 人力资源厅 and 财政援助办公室 and Scholarships must verify the eligibility of each student employee. Based on the availability of work-study funds, students will be processed by 财政援助办公室 and Scholarships for summer work study on a first-come, 标间. 在春季学期, 财政援助办公室 and Scholarships will send an email if Summer work-study is available.

Work-Study Award Earnings and Limits

The complete amount of a work-study award may be earned by a student, but the student is not entitled to or able to collect any portion of the award that remains unearned after the award year ends. It is the responsibility of the work-study student and supervisor to monitor the earnings of work-study student employees to ensure that the student does not earn more than their approved work-study award. We recommend that the work-study student employee and supervisor monitor total earnings using the amount earned 之前 taxes, as opposed to the amount received after taxes. If a student earns more than their work-study award amount, 财政援助办公室 & Scholarships will correct the overage by charging the supervisor’s department, terminating the student’s work-study position, and/or adjusting any resulting financial overages on the student’s account.

金融援助 Package Changes and Reductions

If a student receiving a work-study award also receives other forms of financial aid (such as scholarships, 奖助金, 或贷款), 财政援助办公室 & Scholarships must reduce the work-study award by the appropriate amount to ensure that the student does not receive more than the federal maximum grant in aid.

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物理位置 & 地址:
Jordan Student Success Building (JSSB), Suite 130
丹佛,CO 80204

For specific 工作研究 questions, reach out to:


Friday: Call Center opens at 9am!

Office of 金融援助 and Scholarships