Learning Instructional Practices are meant to provide you with resources, 的想法, and other ways to help you become a more effective Learning Assistant.


Discord in the Classroom: Meeting Students Where They Are by 阿什利李尔王, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Choke Points and Pitfalls in Studying 博士. Stephen咀嚼


Can Reciprocal Peer Tutoring Increase Metacognition in Your Students? 亚伦年代. 里士满

Not all Retrieval Practice is Created Equal 里根一. R. 高隆
Pitting Learning Styles against Dual Coding Megan Sumeracki and The Learning Scientists

So, your students think they are left-brained thinkers or kinesthetic learners: Please God, no! How metacognition can explain student’s misconceptions.  亚伦年代. 里士满, Hannah Rauer (密歇根州立大学丹佛 student) and Eric Klein (密歇根州立大学丹佛 student)

Promoting Students’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in Classrooms Huy Nguyen and Chris Wolters

A Minute a Day Keeps the Metacognitive Doctor Away! 亚伦年代. 里士满

Five Tips for Managing Stress During Finals 里面罗德里格斯