The One World One Water (OWOW) Center prepares an 教育d, 授权, 和 solution-oriented Colorado citizenry to protect 和 preserve our precious water resources. In partnership with the 丹佛 Botanic Gardens, OWOW中心 promotes intersectional 水管理hip through three core foundational pillars: convening, 教育, 和激活. 

 to OWOW中心 will allow more opportunities for 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s unique 和 diverse student body, as well as active community learners, to engage with water education, 探索大自然, 和 develop their own personal connection with the environment. Through the OWOW Center, students on 和 beyond Auraria Campus are able to engage with multiple water studies academic programs, dedicated faculty 专家出国留学意大利之旅, research projects with 丹佛 Botanic Gardens, work study opportunities with environmental journalists, networking 和 career-building 事件, annual field conferences, 还有更多. 


Your gift will allow OWOW中心 to continue our programing to 召开 一个网络 of water professionals, 教育 community members on water issues, 和 激活 the next generation of 水管理. 
We greatly appreciate any gift you can give, 和 value your constant support of OWOW中心. We look forward to updating you with incredible programming, 事件, 和 opportunities we have in store!