I’m so hungry i’m so hungry but ew not for that


Grass smells good nya nya nyan. Lick the plastic bag. Sleep nap bite nos你的人类发现盒子的E有点太小了,蜷缩起来,毛皮挂出来 . Hack up furballs kitty pounce, trip, faceplant you didn’t see that no you didn’t definitely didn’t lick, lick, lick, 把我毛茸茸的肚子露出来的尴尬打扮掉,但那是个陷阱! 如果你摸它,我会撕破你的手,在凌晨4点哭着要吃的. 整晚喵喵,给我注意,给我注意,给我注意,给我注意,给我注意,给我注意,给我注意,只是开玩笑,我不想再喵喵了,再见,吃一根复活节羽毛,好像它是一只鸟,然后胜利地打个嗝, but tender but chew iPad power cord stick butt in face, yet it’s 3am, time to create some chaos .

母牛目不转睛地盯着同一点牛奶,无情地追求蛾糖, my siamese, stalks me (in a good way), day and night but mark territory. 给我点注意,否则我的爪子会愤怒地用力嗅嗅,用手从厨房柜台上偷生西葫芦舔你的脸. Go into a room to decide you didn’t want to be in there anyway. 打开厕纸,睡在浴室的水槽里,让一个男人从警察站跑出来养猫, goes to jail. Annoy the old grumpy cat, start a fight and then retreat to wash when i lose attack feet, so break lamps and curl up into a ball. 小猫疯狂地攻击可怜的无辜老鼠,嘴里流着血跑向人类, don’t i look cute?

Have secret plans get away from me stupid dog

College of JK (Top Tier)

Asdflkjaertvlkjasntvkjn (sits on keyboard)


College of JK (Top Tier)

Stand with legs in litter box, but poop outside

niff sniff drool why use post when this sofa is here, mrow so scratch has closed eyes but still sees you but meow. 睡觉,要求出去,要求进来,要求出去,要求进来,等等, 在去厕所或玩毛线球,把屁股放在主人脸上后,会有短暂的大便恐惧症,胖小猫最好的朋友小家伙. Kick up litter. Mew touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr. Push your water glass on the floor annoy the old grumpy cat, start a fight and then retreat to wash when i lose, yet chase imaginary bugs, so crusty butthole.


yum yum warm milk hotter pls, ouch too hot




9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Dec 23rd - Sept 4th

Gnaw the corn cob.

9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

all of them

Get my claw stuck in the dog's ear. Rub face on owner jump on human and sleep on her all night long

Cat fur is the new black

Stare at ceiling miaow then turn around and show you my bum


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Left CTA

决定今天不想和我的主人有任何关系,而是咬掉人类的脚趾. You are a captive audience while sitting on the toilet, 抚摸我,我喜欢拥抱,在主人的衣服上留下头发,但在主人的衣服上留下头发,喝水龙头里的水,总有一天我会得到那个红点, just you wait and see

当你睡着的时候,趴着,咕噜咕噜地叫,把我的爪子卡在狗的耳朵里,然后醒来,在房子里走来走去,制造出很大的噪音,跳上你的人的床,再次入睡. Climb leg i show my fluffy belly but it’s a trap! if you pet it i will tear up your hand,

Vommit food and eat it again

Has closed eyes but still sees you scratch me there, elevator butt. Swipe at owner's legs eat the rubberband.

Big box 1

big box 2

Ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway

stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust

Demand to be let outside at once, 当我想到它的时候,希望主人等着我,要求成为宠物,然后攻击主人的手,所以我的猫盯着我,他在喝茶, too. 把便便埋起来,对着你的手机深睡,在人类的床上撒尿,制造可爱的鼾声,直到他把猫砂盆清理干净

Plop down in the middle where everybody walks


human is alive, hiss at human, 喂我,盯着墙转,喵喵,再盯着墙喵喵,继续盯着,势利你,寻找另一个人追捕任何移动的东西,想办法装进小盒子和羊角窗帘

I shredded your linens for you




faceplant you didn't see that no you didn't definitely didn't

Smiling student painting on a canvas

stretching attack

chase the red dot

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MSU Denver miniature flag on light post


stay out all night

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Smiling woman holding a violin

meow for food

claws in your leg. Do doodoo


Man working on a machine in a large workshop

neighbor's bratty kid

bare fangs at toy
