
Colorado is one of the largest states in the country with the most English language learners (ELL), yet PK-12 schools’ attempt at helping ELLs achieve academic success at an acceptable level is still a challenge. The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has responded to this state crisis and is attempting to address this need by ensuring that all teachers receive appropriate training to address the needs of students who are ELLs. 今年秋天, the CDE adopted new English Learner (EL) Standards that all preservice and in-service teachers are required to meet. 您可以在CDE网站上阅读更多相关内容. The charge by CDE is for all teacher preparation programs in Colorado to implement the new requirements and all preservice teachers graduating after Spring 2019 must demonstrate that they meet the new EL standards.

皇冠官网网站知道会有很多问题, so we have included below some questions and answers we anticipate students may have. 如果您有以下未解决的问题, 请联系你的教育学院的指导老师.

皇冠官网网站希望皇冠官网网站的目标是明确的:作为教师, 皇冠官网网站需要准备好为所有PK-12学生服务, 包括皇冠官网网站的英语学习者. We realize that change is difficult, but we also feel that our children are worth the sacrifice. Thank you for your commitment to be the best teachers for our children!
