The western United States is a region with a long history of water challenges. In 美国西部, over 40 million people depend on the Colorado River. At the same time, the effects of climate change are adding to the challenges.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 developed the noncredit 专业水质研究 courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, 法律, management, and water trends in Colorado and 美国西部.

Many industries can benefit from knowing more about water issues and solutions. 这些工业包括小农场, 废水, 制造业, 建设, 风险管理, 公用事业公司, 热情好客, 绿色和可持续发展产业, 法律, 和工程.

这些课程最近有所改进, 提供同样的高品质, 但是为了满足你繁忙的日程而缩短了. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students.


Water studies involve examining water treatment and management strategies, and the impact of human activities on water 质量 and availability for future use. 

This field of study also includes research about 废水 treatment and understanding the fundamentals of water 法律 to ensure sustainable and responsible water practices on a state and federal level. 



  • 节水专家
  • 水处理厂操作员
  • 环境科学家
  • 水资源和 质量 保证分析师
  • 水文学家
  • 环境工程师
  • 水法律师



科罗拉多州的水 & 美国西部

在这一个月的课程中, 学生将学习美国西部的水的历史, 土著社区是如何使用它的, 和美国.S. 水资源管理方法.This curriculum also covers crucial aspects of federal and Colorado water management, emphasizing research about water management and legal issues specific to Colorado.

科罗拉多州的水 & 美国西部


密歇根州立大学丹佛 students will survey the early stages of water use and development, 探索水权, 探索水的处理和管理, and study Colorado state and federal 法律s and agreements and how the 法律 of water affects communities.


U.S. 水问题

学生将探讨水资源问题, 将水作为一种自然资源和社会资源进行研究, 水利基础设施挑战, 工业有关的污染, 以及气候变化带来的未来变化. 一个月的时间, participants in this certification course will assess environmental damage by examining the impact of Colorado water management, 污水处理行业, 废水处理的解决方案.

U.S. 水问题


学生可以上一节课, or combine all three to receive the 专业水质研究 Certificate.

  • 灵活的安排 – the self-paced and online nature lets students control their schedule
  • 一对一的网络和建议 – receive a personal advising session with an expert in the Colorado water industry
  • 现实世界的应用程序 -在简历中加入一些抢手技能


学生可以上一节课, or combine all three to receive the 专业水质研究 Certificate. 每门课程为期一个月.



科罗拉多水和美国西部 从2024年2月1日到3月1日. 学生必须在2月5日前注册.

水的法律 从2024年3月1日到4月1日. 学生必须在3月5日前注册.

U.S. 水问题 从2024年4月1日到5月1日. 学生必须在4月5日前注册.



科罗拉多水和美国西部 2024年9月1日至10月1日. 学生必须在9月9日之前注册.

水的法律 2024年10月1日至11月1日. 学生必须在10月8日之前注册.

U.S. 水问题 2024年11月1日至12月1日. 学生必须在11月8日之前注册.



每门课程收费475美元,每笔付款需支付35美元的交易费. 不需要教科书.


You will receive a certification of completion after you successfully complete all three courses.

You may also request to receive a digital badge for each class that will be embedded with the competencies learned. 这个徽章可以添加到你的简历中, LinkedIn页面, 投资组合, 甚至可以与你现在或未来的雇主分享.


Dr. 伊丽莎白R. McVicker,水法

Elizabeth’s expertise in water 法律 has her in great demand to serve on the board of three water-related Colorado entities: The Center of 科罗拉多州的水 Conservancy District, 南普拉特水务企业的源头, 以及上南普拉特联盟. 她担任特邀演讲者, 专家, 也是与水有关的事件的媒体专家, and was instrumental in developing the 同一个世界,同一个水 Center and the Water Studies Curriculum.

Elizabeth is a high-energy professor and brings enthusiasm and knowledge to her classes. 她拥有丹佛大学(University of 丹佛)的法学博士学位和博士学位.D. 纽约大学西班牙语言文学学士学位. 她在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校教授商业道德和可持续发展课程.

Her experience as a business owner and attorney allows her to bring a great deal of knowledge to the classroom. She is a recipient of the 商学院, Dean’s Overall Faculty Excellence Award.

指导员Elizabeth McVicker的照片

Dr. 马修年代. 马克里,科罗拉多水和美国西部

Matt is a professor of History at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, where he has taught for almost 15 years. 此前,他曾任教于亚利桑那州立大学,并获得博士学位.D. 印第安人的历史,以及美国西部的历史. 内华达大学出版社出版了马克里与人合著的书, 岩洞:攀岩者、法庭和瓦肖印第安人圣地, in 2010. 他最近的一本书, 《皇冠官网网站》这本书于2018年由马萨诸塞大学出版社出版.

Matt was born in Lake Tahoe, and has spent his life in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado. This has allowed him to explore the land, its people, its past, and its present. 每一次旅程都沿着河流峡谷而下, 登上山顶, or upon a city street helps inspire and inform his professional practice.

西部的水资源已经成为Makley特别感兴趣的领域. He recently helped produce a short documentary film about an Iris farm and its relationship with water in Boulder, 《龙氏花园:城市绿洲.

教练Matt Makley的照片

Dr. Randi Brazeau,美国. 水问题

Dr. Randi Brazeau, P.E.她得了B。.S. 和M.E. 在佛罗里达大学获得土木工程学位. After working as an engineering analyst with Kimley-Horn and Associates for two years, 她获得了博士学位。.D. in Civil Engineering – Environmental Water Resources from Virginal Tech under Dr. 马克•爱德华兹. 目前, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 where she has been since 2012.

Randi teaches a variety of environmental science courses and teaches integrated science for pre-service elementary education students. 除了给环境科学专业的学生做指导, 她还担任环境工程的主要顾问. Her main research interests include decontamination of premise plumbing and public health after contamination events, 地表水质量对采矿和危险废物泄漏的反应, 城市地表水水质, 以及以学习者为中心的本科STEM学科教学法.

教练Randi Brazeau的照片


The 同一个世界,同一个水 Center (OWOW) is a collaboration between Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 and 丹佛 Botanic Gardens. OWOW中心致力于培养一名受过教育的, 授权, solution-oriented Colorado citizenry to protect and preserve our precious water resources.

20170815 _owow-team_013v2


在来到壹天壹水中心之前, Nona had worked on the statewide 科罗拉多州的水 2012 campaign with Water Education Colorado. 原产于北弗吉尼亚, Nona moved to 丹佛 in 2011 as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer and loved the experience so much she decided to stay in Colorado and pursue further water education opportunities. 她拥有林奇堡学院传播学学士学位, 获得迈阿密大学生物科学硕士学位, 俄亥俄州, and welcomes the opportunity to incorporate her degrees with her passion for raising the awareness of precious environmental resources.

“A good steward learns about our most precious natural resource – water, 并将这些知识付诸行动. 科罗拉多的未来将由皇冠官网网站的学生塑造, 他们的管理将决定皇冠官网网站河流的命运, 湖泊和地下水.——汤姆·切赫,前OWOW总监


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